Frequently Asked Questions

We are the professional choice. We run this business as it should be run, with dignity, respect, and honor. The owner is constantly learning new techniques or about new products that can clean well but are not toxic to our bodies. Cleaning is a science, and not everyone can do it well. It takes hard work, consistency, and a detailed eye to see what the issue is and know what to use to provide a remedy for the client. With a satisfaction Guarantee and years of experience in the industry, you can't go wrong with Bella's Beautiful Homes taking care of your cleaning needs.

We are a fully bonded cleaning service. We carry insurance for our employees and for the work that we do in your home. We also guarantee customer satisfaction. Was something not cleaned the way that you expected? Let us know, and we will do our best to put things right.

Pets are a part of the family, and so we clean up their hair (not any mess). During service, we recommend that you keep your pet somewhere they will be comfortable — not all of our furry friends like the sound of vacuums or unfamiliar people in their space. Let us know how you'd like to handle your pet ahead of time to keep them safe and happy.

Yes, we have a 48-hour cancellation policy. When you schedule your first cleaning, you will be asked to pay a deposit to hold your appointment, and if you cancel less than 48 hours before, that deposit is forfeited. If an appointment is kept, then that money goes towards the cleaning price.